Saturday, May 4, 2013

The February 2013 Bar Exam Results: Maryland Bar Exam Results Have Been Released

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Maryland released its bar exam results at 4:30 pm on Friday.  The Board of Bar Examiners has listed the pass/fail list by numbers.  Congratulations to those who passed. 

Interestingly, and rarely seen by a state’s board of bar examiners, is a mea culpa from Maryland.  Apparently, an error made in question 2, just about blew up the whole question for the applicants.  Here is what they said:  “Question 2 of the February 2013 General Bar Exam, testing Maryland Civil Procedure, was found to be confusing because of a conflict between the Question as printed (which referred to procedures in "District Court") and the Extract (which referred to procedures in "Circuit Court"). Because of this conflict, the Board, in the interest of fairness assigned the highest raw score of 6 for that question.”   Can you imagine making that kind of mistake – and the students trying to answer it by using federal law when the examiners wanted local law? Now, that was a pretty grievous mistake.  Perhaps they should have thrown the entire question out.  It makes us wonder how many mistakes are out there and the states’ board of bar examiners haven’t admitted it?  

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