Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The July 2014 Bar Exam Results: MBE Seminar in Miami: November 15th and 16th

Sign up for our Small Group Workshop/Seminar in Miami on November 15th and 16th and in Albany, NY in December at www.barprofessors.com.

Sign up for our Bar Professors small group MBE workshop in Miami on November 15th and 16th. This two day seminar is for anyone wanting to improve their MBE scores. We will be also be discussing Federal Civil Procedure and how it will be tested. Don't miss this exciting and intensive workshop. Say you saw this on our blog and receive a discount. See you in Miami!

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Federal Civil Procedure, the February 2015 Bar Exam and Bar Professors' MBE Seminars

Effective February 2015, the MBE will expand to 7 subjects, which includes 27 questions on the subject of Federal Civil Procedure. Instead of only learning 6 subjects, the student will have to study for Federal Civil Procedure on the MBE. Issues include personal jurisdiction, the long arm statute, venue, appeals, diversity of citizenship, subject matter jurisdiction, pleadings, discovery, joinder of claims and parties, res judicata and collateral estoppel, counterclaims and cross claims, interpleader and intervention and summary judgment.

Bar Professors has created a specific program for its students addressing this newly tested subject.
An MBE Tutor is so important to the repeat taker.  Bar Professors can help you overcome the difficulty of the MBE test and help you to a successful score.

If you need help passing the MBE, contact the Bar Professors at pass@barprofessors.com for more information.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The July 2014 Bar Exam: 3 days to the Bar Exam: Powering Down This Weekend

Please look at our new website and new MBE Program at barprofessors.com

It is now 3 days to the bar exam. This is the final weekend before you sit for the bar exam.

One of the most important factors in your performance on the bar exam is going to be your stamina – to sit for 3 hours at a stretch, with no breaks, concentrating solely on the bar exam will be quite an endeavor. You need to remain focused and energized throughout the bar exam in order for you to do your best work.

First, you need to catch up on your rest and start powering down on your studying this weekend. Try to have a less stressful couple of days. Put in study time, but also sleep, rest and relax. You have done your preparation and now it’s time to get in the game, mentally and physically.

You will be nervous this weekend, but try to contain your anxiety – you have studied hard and you are ready. Review your materials, go over your outlines, write out an essay or two to keep in practice and also work on some MBE questions – making sure you read the explanations of why the answer choices are right or wrong. Don’t let doubt creep into your thinking. You must be confident – you know you will pass. Good luck.

Contact us at barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for students who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.
We can help you succeed!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The July 2014 Bar Exam: 3 Weeks to the Bar Exam

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com.

Three weeks to the bar exam is a good time to evaluate how you are doing. You have enough time to now pinpoint your weak areas and enough time to change your schedule if you feel you’re spinning your wheels. Consider this day your line in the sand.

By now you should have done several hundred multistate questions, at least 15 state essays and at least 4 performance tests.

If you haven’t done it, get busy. Change your schedule if you need to, work on your weak areas and keep testing.

If you have, you are ready for the bar exam. You just need to keep working, stay cool and continue to test yourself.

Make sure you are peaking on exam day. If you are like some of my students who study all night, stop it today. Get up at 6 am or 7 am and start studying at 9 am until 12 pm, with no breaks, then study from 1 pm to 4 pm, with no breaks, You want to mimic the bar exam hours so you are at your peak at 9 am every day.

Don’t pretend you’re not nervous. Accept that it’s okay to be nervous. Channel that nervous energy properly by attacking your study schedule and transform your nerves into confidence. But, remember, you do not want to be overly tired for the bar exam. Try to sleep through the night or, at least, take some cat naps during the day to catch up on missed sleep.

One of the most important things to do during this 3 week period is not to doubt your abilities. You can pass this bar and you know it. You just need to be in the top 2/3rds of your state. Don’t stress too much about what you don’t know – you are not expected to get a 100% on this test – it’s more like 60%. The examiners expect that you will have weak areas. Go into the bar exam with the knowledge you will pass the bar exam.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: California’s Bar Exam Results Are Released

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

The State Bar of California's Committee of Bar Examiners reported that 45.3 percent of the applicants passed the February 2014 General Bar Examination (GBX).

Preliminary statistical analyses show that of the 4,578 applicants who took the GBX, 32.6 percent were first-time takers. The passing rate for the 1,492 first-time applicants was 55.0 percent overall. The passing rate for the 3,086 applicants repeating the examination was 41.0 percent overall.

Preliminary statistical analyses show the first-time and repeater percent passing the GBX (rounded to whole numbers) by law school type as follows

California ABA:  First time takers:  69%, repeat takers 56%

Out of State ABA: First time takers:  44%, repeat takers 40%

California Accredited but not ABA:  First time takers:  42%, repeat takers 24%

Unaccredited Fixed Facility:  First time takers:  13%, repeat takers 14%

Unaccredited Correspondence:  First time takers:  38%, repeat takers 20%

Unaccredited Distance Learning:  First time takers:  36%, repeat takers 16%

Congratulations to those who have passed.  You have failed, please go to our website and review our California bar exam tutorial.  We can help you pass the bar exam in July.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter
@BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The February 2014 New York Bar Exam Results: The New York Bar Exam Results Are Out

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Florida Bar Tutors at http://www.barprofessors.com.

The New York bar exam results for February 2014 has been released for private look up. Public look up will be released tomorrow at noon.

Congratulations to those who have passed.

For the New York applicants who were unsuccessful, Bar Professors is presently offering early bird discounts and partial scholarships for the New York bar exam private bar tutorials. Don’t try the same method that allowed you to be unsuccessful on your previous attempt.

Contact us at barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for students who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us at facebook.com/BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: The Long Weekend Wait for the Florida Results

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

The Florida Bar Exam Results for February 2014 will come out on Monday, April 14th.  There is no magical time it comes out, although the results usually come out around 10 am.  The results came out around 9 am one year, another year, around noon – so anywhere around 9:30 to 12 noon is your window to keep hitting the refresh button.

Florida releases the numbers, not the names of the applicants and the site reveals just pass or fail of both Part A (the Florida section) and Part B (the MBE section) and the overall pass or fail.  When you look up your number there will be 4 columns:  your number, pass,  pass, pass.   The last pass is your ticket for your law license.  You can fail a section of the Florida bar, and with enough carry over points, you can pass overall.  So you will see some scores, like fail, pass, pass or pass, fail, pass.  That’s ok, because that applicant has passed the Florida bar exam.  Look at the final column and you’ll know whether you passed or failed.

The Florida Board of Bar Examiners also releases the passing rate of the law schools, too, later in the afternoon.  The Florida Board of Bar Examiners releases the passing rate of the law school to the law school first.  Later that day, the Florida bar examiners then releases the passing rate of the law schools to the public. Florida only releases the first time taker rate and not the repeat takers rate, and not the overall pass rate.  It’s unfortunate that Florida does not practice full transparency, because I have seen quite a few law schools who try to fudge the overall rate and the repeat taker rate to something higher than what it really is – then tell their students who have failed, that all they need to do is keep taking it and they will eventually pass.  I have seen students taking the exam 6, 8, 10 times. We know you need a bar tutor to help you get over the finish line.  Bar Professors are offering a discount on its tutorials if you contact us on Monday.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Friday, April 4, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: Oklahoma and North Carolina’s Bar Results Have Been Released

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

Oklahoma and North Carolina’s bar exam results for February 2014 are now out.

Oklahoma’s pass rate was a 69%.  A total of 121 students took the exam and 84 students passed.  The Oklahoma Bar Association has posted the list of students who passed.

Congratulations to all those who passed. 

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Monday, March 31, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: Utah, Illinois, North Carolina and Florida Bar Exam Results

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

The bar exam results are starting to come in.

Utah’s bar exam results were mailed out on Friday and a pass/fail listed has been posted. 

Students have told me that Illinois’ bar exam results for February 2014 will be coming out on Tuesday.

Students are also waiting for the North Carolina’s bar exam results  which, I am told by students, are coming out this week.

Florida’s bar exam results will be coming out in 2 weeks, on April 14th.

Good luck to those who are waiting for results.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: The Bar Exam is Over, Would You Have Done Anything Differently?

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

The bar exam is over and the waiting begins.    Before you get your results, you may want to reflect on how you may have done your studying differently.   Law schools and bar exam companies never fully prepare you for the “experience” of taking a bar exam.  It is something you have never done before  and you go into the unknown, always hoping you did what you needed to do to pass the bar exam.  I had one student tell me that she didn’t “get it” until she sat at the bar exam and the proctor gave the signal to begin.

What would you tell a fellow student who is gearing up to take the July 2014 bar exam?  Would you tell that student to study harder or differently?  Would you tell your friends to start studying earlier?  I am also convinced that the way you studied for the bar exam will reflect the way you approach your job as a lawyer.  To be a good lawyer you must put your sweat, time and effort into your cases – this is what separates you from all the other lawyers out there.  Can you say that you put it all on the table when you sat for the bar exam?  Will you put in the same effort you did studying for the bar exam when you get your bar license?

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Friday, February 28, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: The Bar Exam is Over, The Waiting Begins

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

The bar exam is over and the waiting begins.  North Carolina is usually one of the first states to release its results in approximately a month.  Then the states begin to roll in, one after another.

For now, take the time to relax and have fun.  You deserve it.  There will be enough time to fret and wait for your results.

My students have told me that the MBE questions were pretty hard for this bar exam cycle.  Do you agree?

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: Good Luck to Those Who Are Still Taking the Bar Exam

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

There are a few states that are sitting for their state essays today.  Students from Massachusetts, New Jersey, and, of course, California are working on their bar exams today.  Good luck on your final day of the exam.  You can do this – you can pass the bar exam.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: Today is the MBE Exam

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at http://www.barprofessors.com

Today is the MBE for everyone taking the bar, no matter where you are taking the bar exam (except for Louisiana and Washington). Relax and be confident. Pace yourself. Remember, 1.6 minutes a question. Keep your time. You must answer every question. You have studied hard for this day and you will perform to the best of your ability. Good luck to everyone. Keep believing in yourself.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: Florida Essay Subjects Tested

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

These are the areas tested on the Florida bar exam for February 2014:

1.   Family Law and Const. Law

2.  Const. Law

3.  Property/Professional Responsibility

The Florida multiple choice was:  evidence, criminal law and wills.


Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

The February 2014 Bar Exam: Today Is the Bar Exam and You Will Begin the Rest of Your Life

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

Today is the bar exam.  Relax, be confident and do your thing.  You have studied hard for this day and you will perform to the best of your ability.  Tonight, go back to your home or to your hotel  and rest.  Don’t do anymore studying for the MBE.  Eat, watch a little television and then go to sleep.  You will be so tired, you will be asleep before your head hits your pillow.  But it will be a well earned rest.  Good luck to everyone.  Keep believing in yourself.  This is the first day of your life as an attorney.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Monday, February 24, 2014

1 day to the February 2014 Bar Exam: Relax and Be Confident

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

You are almost to the finish line.  Get ready today by relaxing and being confident in your abilities.  You have been preparing for your chance to be a lawyer for 3 years or more.  You can do this.  Go to your hotel room and  try to have a quiet, restful day.  No upsets and no panic  attacks are allowed.  Review your essay notes today, get to bed early and relax.  Even if you can’t sleep, lie down  with the lights off and get some rest.

Wake up early on Tuesday, get to the exam site in plenty of time to get registered and kick the stuffings out this bar. Do well, my friends.  You can do this.   Believe in yourself.  Good luck to all students.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

2 days to the February 2014 Bar Exam: The Monday Before the Bar Exam

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

Take Monday off so you can rest and be alert during the exam.  Keep the final day low key and try not to think about the exam.  If you are staying at a hotel, get to your hotel early, check in and relax.   Keep your anxiety under control and you’ll be fine.  Work on being calm and collected.

The Night Before the Exam

Eat small meals on Monday – you want to eat something that gives you some strength but nothing that you know can make you feel sick.  You know your own body, so play it smart.  Avoid anything that makes you feel queasy.  Don’t drink alcohol, even if you think it will calm your nerves – you do not want to be foggy Tuesday morning.

The night before the exam is the one time you may want to read a little material or study because you probably will have trouble sleeping on Monday night.   Try reading a bar outline.  If you can’t fall asleep, just lie there.  Don’t try to do extra studying, just rest.  If you can’t fall asleep, don’t get out of bed, pace, watch television, play on the internet or exercise.  You do not want to do anything that will keep your mind active.  You want to keep your mind at rest, even if your body can’t rest.

The Day of the Exam

Eat a small breakfast the morning of the bar exam so you have enough fuel to keep going.  Don’t drink too much that it causes frequent restroom visits.

Leave your cellphone at the hotel or in the car.  Do not bring it into the site.  You will be kicked out of the bar if your phone rings.

Also important is your lunch.  Avoid heavy foods that will make you sleepy.   Again, limit your drink intake to avoid frequent restroom breaks.

During Your Breaks

Do not talk to anyone about the exam during your breaks. Inevitably someone will want to talk about the bar and inevitably that person put down something different from what you did.  Do not second guess yourself by rehashing the exam.

Make sure you have a positive outlook.  You’ve done hundreds of practice questions by now.  You can do this.  You will pass.  Good luck to all.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

3 days before the February 2014 Bar Exam: Powering Down This Weekend

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

One of the most important factors in your performance on the bar exam is going to be your stamina – to sit for 3 hours at a stretch, with no breaks, concentrating solely on the bar exam will be quite an endeavor.  You need to remain focused and energized throughout the bar exam in order for you to do your best work.

First, you need to catch up on your rest and start powering down on your studying this weekend.  Try to have a less stressful couple of days.  Put in study time, but also sleep, rest and relax.  You have done your preparation and now it’s time to get in the game, mentally and physically.

You will be nervous this weekend, but try to contain your anxiety – you have studied hard and you are ready.  Review your materials, go over your outlines, write out an essay or two to keep in practice and also work on some MBE questions – making sure you read the explanations of why the answer choices are right or wrong.  Don’t let doubt creep into your thinking.  You must be confident – you know you will pass.  Good luck.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Friday, February 21, 2014

4 days to the February 2014 Bar Exam: Essay Predictions

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

During this last week before the bar exam, I have many students ask me what my prediction is for exam subjects.  Anyone who claims to predict what will be on the bar exam is just guessing.  I remember one year, a lecturer on the bar exam circuit claimed that since trusts had been tested in the previous test cycle, it would not be tested again and to forget about trusts.  Unfortunately, many students took that advice and freaked when they opened the exam questions on the day of the bar exam and saw that the bar examiners did in fact test trusts twice in a row.  This cautionary tale is meant to be what it is – do not endlessly search for predictions or to take anyone’s predictions as gospel.  You have prepared for any eventuality – in any subject that is tested.  Don’t try to second guess yourself and your preparation or to find a shortcut in your studies.  This weekend, make sure you review every subject that is tested in your state.  Only then will you be thoroughly prepared, with or without, any person’s prediction of what subjects will be tested on the essays.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

5 days to the February 2014 Bar Exam: Using Facts for Your Essays

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

Most lawyers know that the facts of their case will win or lose their argument.  The law remains static.  The elements of a cause of action are always the same.  A contract is always formed with the same elements of offer, acceptance, consideration and no defenses.  Negligence is still a breach of a duty that caused an injury.  What turns the case is the facts.  One set of facts show a clear case of a validly formed contract, another set of facts show there was no meeting of the minds and  no contract was formed.  This is where a lawyer’s “bread and butter” lies – it’s what we get paid to do – make distinctions between a set of facts.

A good lawyer can articulate the facts as it relates to the law.  That is what you are being tested on in your essay questions.  The bar exam graders are looking to see how you take the facts they give you and relate it to the elements of the law.  That is why you must blend the law with the facts.  Do not just repeat the facts of the essay question.  That is not your job.  You are to take those facts and apply it to the law for complete analysis.  Tell the bar examiners why these facts point to a certain legal issue.  For example, if you see a formation of a contract, tell the bar examiners why you see a contract.  Patiently, discuss why there is an offer, who accepted the offer, if there was a bargained for exchange and if defenses apply.  Take each element separately.  As a rule of thumb, for every element of the rule, state a corresponding fact.  Take you time to discuss the facts, but only in context with the law.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

6 days to the February 2014 Bar Exam: Analyzing the Answer Choices For the MBE

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

Since the MBE is so important  for your overall score, it is essential to recognize that analysis of the answer choices deserves as much of your time and attention as the fact pattern or story.

You first must identify the issue in each answer choice. Each answer choice has one.  Once you recognize the issue then you can choose between the answer choices. Only the issue that addresses and answers the one presented in the fact pattern can be the correct answer choice.

Sometimes, despite all you best efforts to work through a question according to your process, you may find that the only way to arrive at the correct answer choice is through the process of elimination.  You’ll have to examine each of the answer choices and eliminate those that can’t possibly be correct.

When can’t an answer choice be correct?

The first rule for eliminating incorrect answer choices is that an answer choice must be entirely correct or it is wrong.   Don’t be misled simply because the statement is partially correct.  Look for misstatements or misapplication of a rule of law. You need to know the law to distinguish between answer choices that misstate or misapply the law.  Also, look for answer choices that mischaracterizes the facts. Look for contradictions between the facts in the story and the facts as characterized in the answer choice.  Such an answer choice cannot be correct.  Nor can an answer choice that requires you to make assumptions that go beyond the facts in the fact pattern.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

1 week to the February 2014 Bar Exam: Keep Your Focus

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

Your goal for this last week is to keep your focus while you solidify your knowledge of the black letter law and improve your timing. The week before the exam is a time when you should be cool, collected and confident.

Don’t let anyone or anything distract you this week.  It’s not worth it.  You only have a week left to go and you can relax later,

Remember to take care of your body and mind.  This means eating well, getting some sleep and working on self-confidence.

As to practical things, make sure you have confirmed your travel plans or hotel stay, make sure you have packed what you need to take with you for the bar exam, including your admission ticket, your identification, your watch, etc.

Now that you know the law, make sure your timing is correct, i.e. complete 17 MBE questions in 30 minutes; 34 MBE questions in an hour and complete an essay in the time allotted for your jurisdiction.

It isn’t uncommon to start running out of energy this week.  So take some breaks to energize yourself.  You need to keep your mind focused on bar material.   Your focus is critical to success.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Friday, February 14, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: Thanking Your Loved Ones

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

For those students who are taking the February 2014 bar exam, take the time today to wish your loved ones a happy Valentine’s Day  Those that really love you want to see you pass the bar. Know that with certainty. Look at those that are supporting you in ways you may not even realize. Maybe your mom makes you breakfast every morning before you leave to go study. Maybe your spouse is doing the heavy lifting as you study. Let them know you appreciate their support, even if they are just getting out of your way during this period before the bar exam. No person is an island. You need your family and friends during this stressful period of bar exam studying. Thank them today for supporting you through this journey.

 Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

2 Weeks to the February 2014 Bar Exam: Keep Practicing

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

You have 2 weeks until the bar examination. Instead of spending the day getting nervous about the time, concentrate on what you have left to do.

By this time, you should have pretty much memorized as much black letter law as you can cram into your brain. It is now time to put away the books and stop studying the law.

What you need to do in these final 2 weeks to prepare yourself for the bar exam is to practice, practice, practice. You are now familiar with your state test and the MBE  questions and what to expect from the bar exam.

Try to do an essay or two every day, testing yourself on a variety of subjects that you know your state tests. Do the essays under test conditions. Once you finish your essay under time constraints, spend an equal amount of time reading your essay and comparing it to the model answer. Read for comprehension, also. There might be a point of law that you did not know that you can learn from reading the model answer.

For those states who  have the UBE, and California or New York who have performance tests, you also must include taking the time to do the performance test also. Try doing 1 performance test every other day. This way you can probably get 5 or 6 performance tests in to your practice sessions prior to the bar exam. On the days you do not do a performance test, practice your essays.

In between the essays and performance tests, you also need to work on questions for the Multistate. Try to get in at least 50-100 MBE questions per day, if you can. This way you can really be sharp when exam time comes.

Don’t waste the time to panic, but do take the time to practice. You will be more prepared than ever if you follow this schedule.

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: 3 Weeks to the Bar Exam

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

Three weeks to the bar exam is a good time to evaluate how you are doing. You have enough time to now pinpoint your weak areas and enough time to change your schedule if you feel you’re spinning your wheels. Consider this day your line in the sand.

By now you should have done several hundred multistate questions, at least 15 state essays and at least 4 performance tests.

If you haven’t done it, get busy. Change your schedule if you need to, work on your weak areas and keep testing.

If you have, you are ready for the bar exam. You just need to keep working, stay cool and continue to test yourself.

Make sure you are peaking on exam day. If you are like some of my students who study all night, stop it today. Get up at 6 am or 7 am and start studying at 9 am until 12 pm, with no breaks, then study from 1 pm to 4 pm, with no breaks,  You want to mimic the bar exam hours so you are at your peak at 9 am every day.   .

Don’t pretend you’re not nervous. Accept that it’s okay to be nervous. Channel that nervous energy properly by attacking your study schedule and transform your nerves into confidence. But, remember, you do not want to be overly tired for the bar exam.  Try to sleep through the night or, at least, take some cat naps during the day to catch up on missed sleep.

One of the most important things to do during this 3 week period is not to doubt your abilities. You can pass this bar and you know it.  You just need to be in the top 2/3rds of your state. Don’t stress too much about what you don’t know – you are not expected to get a 100% on this test – it’s more like 60%. The examiners expect that you will have weak areas.  Go into the bar exam with the knowledge you will pass the bar exam. 

Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!

Friday, January 17, 2014

The February 2014 Bar Exam: It’s a Marathon of Study

Please look at our essay writing, MBE programs and Bar Exam Tutors at www.barprofessors.com

I always tell my students that studying for the bar is more like a marathon than a sprint.  I want you to compare it to your favorite sport that you play.  Do you remember how hard it was to pick it up in the beginning?  You had to keep at it and practice every day before you started to improve and get better at your game.  You worked at that game until you became a true proficient at it.
That game you mastered long ago is similar to how you must master and pass the bar exam.  Every day you chip away at the large amount of material, taking manageable bites until you have mastered that bite and go onto the next one.  As someone has once said, how do you eat an elephant – with one bite at a time.  In other words, take smaller sections of the vast material, learn it and then take another section of the bar exam and learn that section, until, before you know it, you have learned the law, practiced your questions and are ready to sit for the bar exam. 
Always stay in the moment of that day, because if you look too far ahead, you will waste precious time worrying about the large amount of material you must learn or how fast the time is ticking before the bar exam.
I tell my students that taking the bar exam is not a sprint.  You cannot do everything in one day.  Do not drive yourself to exhaustion thinking that you must skip meals, skip the gym, skip sleeping in order to prepare yourself for the bar exam.  You cannot run down your body or your mind.  Take regular breaks so that you can come back refreshed and ready to learn.
Remember, it was the tortoise that won the race, and not the hare.  And to quote the tortoise, “slowly does it every time”.
Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at pass@barprofessors.com.

We can help you succeed!