Sunday, February 23, 2014

2 days to the February 2014 Bar Exam: The Monday Before the Bar Exam

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Take Monday off so you can rest and be alert during the exam.  Keep the final day low key and try not to think about the exam.  If you are staying at a hotel, get to your hotel early, check in and relax.   Keep your anxiety under control and you’ll be fine.  Work on being calm and collected.

The Night Before the Exam

Eat small meals on Monday – you want to eat something that gives you some strength but nothing that you know can make you feel sick.  You know your own body, so play it smart.  Avoid anything that makes you feel queasy.  Don’t drink alcohol, even if you think it will calm your nerves – you do not want to be foggy Tuesday morning.

The night before the exam is the one time you may want to read a little material or study because you probably will have trouble sleeping on Monday night.   Try reading a bar outline.  If you can’t fall asleep, just lie there.  Don’t try to do extra studying, just rest.  If you can’t fall asleep, don’t get out of bed, pace, watch television, play on the internet or exercise.  You do not want to do anything that will keep your mind active.  You want to keep your mind at rest, even if your body can’t rest.

The Day of the Exam

Eat a small breakfast the morning of the bar exam so you have enough fuel to keep going.  Don’t drink too much that it causes frequent restroom visits.

Leave your cellphone at the hotel or in the car.  Do not bring it into the site.  You will be kicked out of the bar if your phone rings.

Also important is your lunch.  Avoid heavy foods that will make you sleepy.   Again, limit your drink intake to avoid frequent restroom breaks.

During Your Breaks

Do not talk to anyone about the exam during your breaks. Inevitably someone will want to talk about the bar and inevitably that person put down something different from what you did.  Do not second guess yourself by rehashing the exam.

Make sure you have a positive outlook.  You’ve done hundreds of practice questions by now.  You can do this.  You will pass.  Good luck to all.

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Bar Professors provide private bar exam tutors for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, and New York bar exams. You can find us at, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors or email us at

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