Monday, September 21, 2020


onday, September 21, 2020

For All UBE Repeat Takers - Cross the Finish Line with Bar Professors

 Bar Professors Provides Private/Online Tutoring for Repeat Takers for the UBE, North Carolina, Florida, the MBE, UBE, New York and California.

Students who took the UBE bar exam in July are now starting to get their results. For those who did not pass the bar exam, It is time to think about February and how to pass the bar exam then. For those takers who have failed the bar exam, you will need Bar Professors to get you over the finish line.

As a UBE repeat taker, you must take the bar exam again. It’s time to refocus again on the bar. Taking the exam again will call for a change in approach, strategy, and preparation for you to pass that final hurdle in fulfilling your dream of becoming a lawyer. The bar exam is not an academic exercise. The bar examiners want to know whether you are prepared to practice law.

Don’t do the same thing you did for the first bar you took. Employ a private Bar Professors’ bar tutor who can work one on one with you to keep you sharp and motivated and you will be on the way to passing the bar. Bar Professors has a unique cross training system that keeps the students working towards their goals of passing the bar exam. We grade your essays, probing areas where you need improvement. We have discussion lectures on substantive law.

We talk about strategy, speed and accuracy and Bar Professors drills the student, using repetition, as a means of learning. We have had much success with students who have taken the bar exam two, three and even eight times.

If you have previously failed the bar exam or are a foreign educated student, Bar Professors will help you. We have developed our virtual  programs for all students who will take the October and February bar exam. We are a one-on-one tutoring program that is remotely based, by telephone, by facetime, by Skype. We can help all repeat takers and foreign educated lawyers pass the bar exam. We also have an extensive book set for California and the UBE. Contact us today for help.

Bar Professors has an extensive 4 volume book set for Florida, California and the UBE. This  4 volume set was written by attorneys and law professors who are experts in law and the bar exam.

Contact us at for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam on line tutoring for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, North Carolina, Texas and New York bar exams. You can find us at, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors,  email us at or see us on youtube.

We change your life!

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