Tuesday, October 6, 2020


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

1 Week Until the Florida Bar Exam


Bar Professors Provides Private/Online Tutoring for Repeat Takers for the UBE, North Carolina, Florida, the MBE, UBE, New York and California.

Your goal for this last week is to stay the course while you solidify your knowledge of the black letter law and improve your timing. The week before the exam is a time when you should stay the course personally and professionally.

Take care of your body and mind. This means eating well, getting some sleep and working on self-confidence.

As to practical things, make sure you have your computer ready for examsoft. Make sure you have taken the mock exams and that any updates the FBBE wants you to do, please do it.

Whatever it is you’ve been doing the past couple of weeks, keep it up.  Stick with what you know, confirm you knowledge and reinstall your confidence in the material.   

You need to keep your mind focused on bar material.   Your focus is critical.

 Contact us at http://barprofessors.com for more information.

Bar Professors provide private bar exam on line tutoring for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, North Carolina, Texas and New York bar exams. You can find us at http://barprofessors.com, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors,  email us at pass@barprofessors.com or see us on youtube.

We change your life!

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