Monday, November 23, 2020


Monday, November 23, 2020

California's February Bar Exam Will Be Held Online


Bar Professors Provides Private/Online Tutoring for Repeat Takers for the UBE, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, the MBE, UBE, New York and California.

California’s Supreme Court on Thursday announced that the February bar exam will be held online under similar conditions as those governing the October test, saying the COVID-19 pandemic continues to make an in-person examination difficult.

The two-day exam, set for Feb. 23 and 24 will be the second test offered with the new passing score of 1390.

The Supreme Court said the exam will still be administered in-person at the discretion of the California State Bar to applicants "granted testing accommodations that cannot be effectively provided and securely administered in a remote environment." Individuals with other extenuating circumstances can also take the test in-person, the Supreme Court added.

Also in October, the state Supreme Court and bar announced the launch of a commission to study the future of California's bar exam, in particular looking at whether alternative or additional testing should be implemented.

The Joint Supreme Court/State Bar Blue Ribbon Commission on the Future of the California Bar Exam will mull changes to the exam "and whether to adopt alternative or additional testing or tools to ensure minimum competence to practice law," according to the commission's charter. Notably, the group considered whether the bar exam should be administered online or in person, in the wake of the October exam.

The state Supreme Court recently greenlighted a program that will allow law school graduates to practice law even if they haven't taken the bar exam or passed the February bar exam, the latest measure intended to support recent graduates whose plans have been disrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Bar Professors provide private bar exam on line tutoring for repeat takers who have difficulty with the MBE, MEE, UBE, Florida, California, North Carolina, Texas and New York bar exams. You can find us at, like us on facebook at BarProfessors, follow us on twitter @BarProfessors,  email us at or see us on youtube.

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